Inwoners india

Population of India While India's population growth has slowed remarkably over the last few years, it's still growing faster than China and is expected to surpass China in population by , when both will have about 1.
Population of India today Scripts are disabled by your browser.
India Population 2024 (Live) Informatie over India: Coronacijfers en andere statistieken.
India Population () .

Inwoners india en china

  • In telt de bevolking van India inwoners. In woonden er in India nog personen. In bestaat de bevolking van India naar verwachting uit .
  • Inwoners india 2024
  • Inwoners india 2025

  • Learn about India's current and projected population, growth rate, density, and largest cities. Find out how India is expected to surpass China as the world's most populous country by Missing: inwoners.
  • Inwoners india en china
  • Population of India

  • The current population of India is 1,,, with an annual growth rate of %. India has a population of % of the world's population. The net migration rate of Missing: inwoners.
  • inwoners india
  • Life Expectancy
  • Population of India as of today
    1. India in cijfers en grafieken | The current population of India is 1,,, as of Tuesday, February 25, Population clock live, current, historical and projected population. Births, deaths and migration of g: inwoners.
      Population of India - - Geodatos As of February , the population of India is billion. The number of inhabitants has increased by 13 million in the last year, representing a growth of %. The median age of Missing: inwoners.
      India Population (Live) Chart and table of India population from to United Nations projections are also included through the year The current population of India in is 1,,,, a Missing: inwoners.
      India Population Projections The current population of India is 1,,, as of February 28, , based on interpolation of the latest United Nations data. The population of India is projected at 1,,,, or Missing: inwoners.
  • India Population Growth
  • Inwoners india 2024

  • Population of India
  • Population Growth