Inwoners india
Population of India | While India's population growth has slowed remarkably over the last few years, it's still growing faster than China and is expected to surpass China in population by , when both will have about 1. |
Population of India today | Scripts are disabled by your browser. |
India Population 2024 (Live) | Informatie over India: Coronacijfers en andere statistieken. |
India Population () | . |
Inwoners india en china
Inwoners india 2025
Population of India
- India in cijfers en grafieken | The current population of India is 1,,, as of Tuesday, February 25, Population clock live, current, historical and projected population. Births, deaths and migration of g: inwoners.
- Population of India - - Geodatos As of February , the population of India is billion. The number of inhabitants has increased by 13 million in the last year, representing a growth of %. The median age of Missing: inwoners.
- India Population (Live) Chart and table of India population from to United Nations projections are also included through the year The current population of India in is 1,,,, a Missing: inwoners.
- India Population Projections The current population of India is 1,,, as of February 28, , based on interpolation of the latest United Nations data. The population of India is projected at 1,,,, or Missing: inwoners.