Frank staal lab

  • H2020 grant: 6 million for stem cell therapy
  • Frank Staal

  • The Staal lab started as and still to some extend is a fundamental lab on stem cell biology and T cell development. We use advanced molecular and cellular (20+ color spectral flow cytometry) .
  • frank staal lab
  • Interview with Prof Frank Staal, leader of the Recomb …
  • Frank Staal Professor Frank Staal works on a gene therapy for patients, often young children, suffering from severe combined immunodeficiency SCID.
    Gene Therapy Prof Staal has a research interest in hematopoietic stem cells, their development into T cells and genetic defects that are associated with the loss of immune function.
    Frank staal The Molecular Stem Cells Biology laboratory at the Leiden Universtity Medical Center is headed by professor Frank Staal and has a research interest in hematopoietic stem cells, their development into T cells and genetic defects that are associated with the loss of immune function.
    Gene Therapy – StaalLab .

    Frank staal lumc

  • Translational research leading to novel diagnostics and therapeutics is an integral part of my research. The mature lymphocyte population of a healthy individual has the .
  • Frank Staal
  • Prof. Dr. Frank Staal - Immunology
  • Prof. Dr. Frank Staal - Immunology - LUMC
    1. Stem cell research for blood and immune system diseases - reNEW In our lab, we focus on gene therapy for a variety of immune disorders. Our main emphasis is on treatment of severe combined immune deficiency (SCID), sometimes called bubble boy .
      Interview with Prof Frank Staal, leader of the Recomb project – IPOPI e-NEWS .

    Frank staal

  • Frank staal lumc
  • Frank laboratory

  • Frank staal