Amersfoort to groningen train
Amersfoort to Groningen by Train | Below are all ticket options between Amersfoort Centraal and Groningen. |
Train tickets from Amersfoort Centraal to Groningen | The train from Amersfoort to Groningen is a direct route, offering a seamless journey without changing trains. |
Amersfoort to Groningen by train | Travel from Amersfoort Netherlands to Groningen Netherlands by train km : schedule and information to the train connection. |
Amersfoort to Groningen by Train | . |
- From Amersfoort to Groningen by Train from € | railcc Yes, there is a direct train departing from Amersfoort Centraal and arriving at Groningen. Services depart hourly, and operate every day. The journey takes approximately 1h 37m.
- Train tickets from Amersfoort Centraal to Groningen Book a cheap train ticket from Amersfoort to Groningen from $30 (€27) with Sprinter, Intercity, and NS Domestic. Search train times and schedules and travel by train from .
- There are 2 ways to get from Amersfoort, Centraal Station to Groningen by train or car. Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in .
- NS operates a train from Groningen to Amersfoort Centraal hourly. Tickets cost €20–50 and the journey takes 1h 36m. Alternatively, FlixBus operates a bus from Groningen central station to .