Amersfoort to groningen train

Amersfoort to Groningen by Train Below are all ticket options between Amersfoort Centraal and Groningen.
Train tickets from Amersfoort Centraal to Groningen The train from Amersfoort to Groningen is a direct route, offering a seamless journey without changing trains.
Amersfoort to Groningen by train Travel from Amersfoort Netherlands to Groningen Netherlands by train km : schedule and information to the train connection.
Amersfoort to Groningen by Train .

  • Want to know how to get from Amersfoort to Groningenby train? We have gathered for you all the useful information about this trip! The fastest trains from Amersfoort to Groningen take See more.
  • Discount cards
  • Groningen to Amersfoort train from $29 (€27) with NS - Omio
  • Train Amersfoort - Groningen prices from $27.40 - Virail
    1. From Amersfoort to Groningen by Train from € | railcc Yes, there is a direct train departing from Amersfoort Centraal and arriving at Groningen. Services depart hourly, and operate every day. The journey takes approximately 1h 37m.
      Train tickets from Amersfoort Centraal to Groningen Book a cheap train ticket from Amersfoort to Groningen from $30 (€27) with Sprinter, Intercity, and NS Domestic. Search train times and schedules and travel by train from .
      There are 2 ways to get from Amersfoort, Centraal Station to Groningen by train or car. Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in .
      NS operates a train from Groningen to Amersfoort Centraal hourly. Tickets cost €20–50 and the journey takes 1h 36m. Alternatively, FlixBus operates a bus from Groningen central station to .

  • Trains from Groningen to Amersfoort run on average 25 times per day, taking around 1h 59m. Cheap train tickets for this journey start at $29 (€27) if you book in advance.
  • Travel from Amersfoort (Netherlands) to Groningen (Netherlands) by train (km): schedule and information to the train connection. Compare fares and buy your ticket.
  • Amersfoort to Groningen by Train
  • Groningen to Amersfoort - 3 ways to travel via train, bus, and car
  • Amersfoort to Groningen by Train

  • The best trains from Amersfoort to Groningen! Plan your trip, and book directly with no added fees.
  • amersfoort to groningen train